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가슴 재수술

Do not shrug, and straighten up your shoulders!

Breast reoperation is to perform surgery again after mammoplasty when there are problems such as dissatisfaction with the shape or feel of the breasts, or capsular contracture due to surgery, deformation of the breasts or an abnormality in the implant. Reoperation is more difficult and difficult than the first. That is why the ability and skill of medical staff to perform surgery is the most important.

가슴 재수술 plastic surgery

  • The cause of failure of the previous operation is accurately analyzed and then the operation is performed.
  • Minimize side effects due to capsular contracture.
  • Surgery is performed with minimal scarring without additional incision.
  • Improved to a more natural shape and softer touch than before.


  • When the breasts are hardened due to capsular contracture

  • When the implant is damaged and needs to be replaced

  • When dissatisfied with shape after breast surgery

  • Asymmetry in both breasts after breast surgery

  • When the sizes of both breasts are asymmetric

Self-diagnosis method of capsular contracture

  • When you touch your breast, it feels hard.

    When you touch your breast, the implant is touched.

    You feel pain when touching the breasts.

    Both breasts have different shapes.

    The underlines of both breasts are not parallel.


  • 수술시간

    2~3 시간

  • 마취방법


  • 입원치료


  • 실밥제거

    수술 후 7일

  • 내원치료

    3~5 회

  • 회복기간

    7 일


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